『ミシュランガイド兵庫2016 特別版』でビブグルマンで掲載された大行列ラーメン店「縁」の看板商品の「汁なし担担麺」はスパイスマニアの店主がこだわり特別な製法で作った唯一無二の一品

As published in the “Michelin Guide Hyogo 2016 Special Edition,” Bib Gourmands had a  large line formed outside of their restaurant. The chef is devoted to making this unique ramen with a special spicy recipe and no broth!

J: As published in Bib Gourmands, the 2016 Michelin Guide: Special Hyogo Edition, Enishi regularly has large lines form outside their restaurant. The chef is devoted to making one-of-a-kind tantanmen with his signature spicy recipe and no broth!

[A unique, spicy ramen with a no-broth recipe, worthy of Michelin laud]

Please take advantage of Japan’s Tantanmen, a style of ramen that can only be eaten at this time! Our staff wears Japanese style uniforms and cook with passion! Menage!

J:Please take advantage of this chance to try Japan’s Tantanmen, a style of ramen that can only be eaten here and now! Our staff wears Japanese style uniforms and cooks with passion! 

[A delicious bowl of tantanmen cooked up with Japanese passion!]

by Enishi


IN EZO/北海道


GOGO Horaiken/新潟県